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CDE Internship Day 13: ShopWindow - Iterations of a Webinar: A New Song

Working on a single project with a single focus can be intense sometimes. The sole goal is for me right now is to create and deliver (4) amazing webinars on the subject of QR codes, how they might be making a comeback and bridge the gap between online and offline in 2019 and beyond. With that goal, I've studied and researched for hours and hours on the topic of QR codes. I know a lot about QR codes, maybe too much.

This webinar preparation reminds me of my early days as a budding musician. I'd be excited to learn a new song and I would play a recording of that song on a loop to listen to over and over. Each time I listened to that song and studied it, it became a little less exciting and a little less fun. Around the time you have that new tune rehearsed well enough to perform in front of an audience, a paying audience, you kind of hate it. All that time and effort, practice and study, but if I had to listen to that song one more time... Here's the trick though, I'd practiced that song so many times, that during the performance, it was easy and actually really fun to play again. Because I studied and worked on that song for so long, I was able to forget about the mechanics of the music and focus on the performance and the fun of performing. Practice is hard and repetitive at times and it might not make me perfect, but it definitely pays off in the end.


  1. The content of the webinar can be really fun and interesting. The promo is really important and can take almost as much time to execute on. Happy to chat more about this. I've done a lot of webinars. Best of luck!

    1. I would love to meet with you and get your insight on my webinar plans. Please let me know when you have time and I'll make myself available. thank you!


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